Enderson Santos

I am a data science student looking for new challenges. I love to learn new things and always find new ways to improve myself, always keeping an open mind to new opportunities, and maintaining a dynamic, curious, and versatile attitude. My life objective is to keep improving to always be on the edge of technology, aiming to grow professionally and productively contribute within an organization.

Telco Churn Model

A project where I did all the steps in a data science project from understanding the problem to gathering the data, cleaning them up, doing all the exploratory data analysis, looking for correlations, drawing conclusions, making a presentation with our findings, training the models, creating a flask application and, put the model into production. The data was collected in Kaggle and concerns the information about customers on Telco company. The data is labeled, and our model predicts if the customer will churn. A typical classification problem.

Ride Manager Platform

This project was carried out within the scope of the programming discipline at iscte. In this work I applied the main programming concepts such as variables, functions, classes, if statements, loops, lists, among others. The objective was to develop an application in which students who were going to school could arrange times to go together and save on the fare.